Ash Arnett

Ash Arnett

(443) 745-2902

Ash brings 15 years of progressive perspective to the PACE team. He has extensive experience focused on tribal, social services, health care, telecom, energy, transportation, and financial services policy. Prior to joining PACE, Ash worked in Congress for six years with Rep. Raul Ruiz, M.D. (D-CA), formerly Ranking Member for the Indian, Insular, and Alaska Native Affairs Subcommittee, and who now sits on the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

In addition to advising Rep. Ruiz on policy matters, Ash also managed Rep. Ruiz’s statewide
and national press relations, where he successfully booked Rep. Ruiz for both print and TV
coverage in English and Spanish. His press background gives our clients added value and helps them consider how their advocacy may be seen by others.

While in Congress, Ash served on the Board of Directors for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Congressional Staff Association, an organization whose mission is to support the employment and professional development of LGBT individuals on Capitol Hill. He remains an active advisor to junior staff and the organization today.

Prior to working in Congress, Ash was a Financial Services Consultant at PNC Bank during implementation of the Dodd Frank Act, where he first got a taste of how federal policy impacts everyday businesses and people.